Illustrations, Illustrators Club Zevi BlumEROS, The Illustrated Fanny Hill by John Cleland, NY, The Erotic Art Book Society The Wise Man of Chelm by Samual Tennenbaum, 1969 My brother teased me when I was tongue-tied I’d be ham-strung but would learn to push through. or did I? I still do. keep on..
New York School for Nursery Years and Work and Play School
I liked Raymond the best. I felt close to him, we didn’t need to speak. He was retarded, a big boy at six. Overalls and suspenders. We played together in the kindergarten “shop.” There were also frogs and tadpoles. I learned to eat lettuce, we probably had bunnies. We played outside in the garden of […]
The Z-axis, also a political entity, bring with it iInfinity in both directions. Speed Kills, I was briefly thunking along its limits when I blundered off into sanity. Self-doubt, paranoia, psychosis Reform School
Piano secretary
Grand piano, complex math and upright secretary
Mrs Winkelhorn, What is gravity, how can a sculpture stand? Mrs Seth Agnew, Nancy Agnew, Remember to have fun, x well as do well. Gloria Drew, how to make form cohere and not fall apart. Lions, Tom Sawyer Trio, impermanence Nana sewed. “One’s a writer, the other an artist.” Rosina/Peter. Mom/Dad. I’m still learning what […]
2024 Wed May 1 @:01 PM
Growing up in NYC, I was exposed early on to many cultures and ways of being. My father David Forer was an artist and cartoonist, co-creator with my mother Margery Patricia Bregman Forer of Brett-Forer Greetings. They did it all, creation, Production, Sales, Marketing, Shipping, Order Processing, filing and sorting paperwork, phone order taking department. […]
Moorspring, Moorehead, Moorfield, Bronx
I’d have to research my facts. The myth or story as told to myself is true. The rock where I would trade vows with who I “would marry” that day after Sunday school in my pretty dress. Weekdays were swings, teeter tooter, slides, sandbox. Running bases just outside the gates. There was a rock I […]
Brats Bratets derivation. Two things before you travel to a foreign land. Depth and Dark.
Peaceful meditation, somtacm all bolloxed up. My parents and my mother’s friends and mother’s and grandmother’s and her mother’s and grandmothers’ names were familiar to me but I often couldn’t visualize or connect with them. I’m thinking of Beverley Madden just now after seeing Steve Madden (were they related?) used as a trusted brand in […]
“work at your own pace”
Red and Green I’m somewhat face-blind.