“Don’t listen to Marge!” my grandmother told Terry Dintenfass when she was considering marrying Hal Laufman and my mother objected. When asked for his response, Phil critiques a problem line or curve. But the solution is usually not what looks wrong, bur the plane ahead or behind, its direction, speed, sharpness, roundness or tilt, pressure, […]
Advice & Teaching
“Light and sound, enough, for miles around Amanuensis Artihttps://kforer.com/text/statement76.shtmlstry Scribe or Original The struggle to reference from within, from memory. From Friends: Feet, corner real estate, double headers.
I grew up in Manhattan. Born in the old French Hospital on West 27th Street, we lived at 15 W 81 apt 10F until 1965 when I was eight and moved to 125 E 72nd Street, 13D. I missed my old friends a lot, though we’d been separated by schools, first kindergarten then grammar school. […]
Cards, Cartoons and Fashion
Playing cards, greeting cards, calling cards. Cut the cards, fold ’em.
Mrs. Winkelhorn
She deserves her own page. Gravity. Supporting a standing figure is not only about balance. In and out and in and out. Push back and up, in and up, pull down and out. up and down, up and down. Back and down, back and up. Cardinal, Ordinal. Out and up, out and down… large and […]
Sustained Attention
Images of the forest, whacking through it branch and root, Green Mansions. My mother didn’t read the book to me, but it figured heavily in her girlhood imagination, subsequently the bedtime stories she made up. Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest (1904) is an exotic romance by William Henry Hudson about a traveller to the Guyana jungle of […]
Critique advice
It took a while for me to understand that while Phil’s comments about lines and forms were accurate, his prescriptions were frequently unhelpful misdirection. I am grateful for the observations and insights but his remedies are amiss. The two forms don’t need to be bigger, the forms connecting them need to be smaller. Sculpture has […]
I used to think my parents were Mr and Mrs Santa Claus. Later Mr. and Mrs. God. Always mom and dad. We lived in NYC apartments. At first on Manhattan’s upper west side across from the museum of natural history and the entrance to central park and my playground friends. When I was eight we […]